TMJ Disorders—Natural Relief Methods

TMJ Disorders—Natural Relief Methods

Facial Pain, Headache,Headache Relief,Headaches, Jaw Ache,Jaw Pain, Migraine,Migraine Relief,Migraines,TMJ, TMJ ReliefTMJ disorders refer to a series of conditions that involve pain in the jaw (temporomandibular joint). For the most part, TMJ conditions resolve within a few weeks. However, when TMJ problems persist, there are still ways to seek natural relief. We’re going to start with a few things that you can do at home to ease your pain and then present you with a natural medical treatment option.

TMJ Disorder Self Care

Here are a few things you can try at home to relieve TMJ problems:

  • Ice – Sometimes you just need to relieve some swelling to take care of the pain. Ice is the best way to deal with inflammation. Just be sure never to place an ice pack directly on the skin. Wrap it in a cloth and only apply for 15 minutes at a time to avoid frostbite.
  • Diet – Try eating softer foods for a few days to give your jaw a break. Trade a bagel and cream cheese breakfast in for an omelet, and order the fish instead of the steak at dinner. This can give your jaw a chance to heal.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and TMJ download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Orlando Spine Center Free TMJ eBook

  • Stretches – Perform stretches that can help to give your jaw greater mobility.
  • De-stress – The jaw tenses during times of stress. Using Baoding balls, listening to some classical music, or relaxing in a peaceful setting may be all you need.

When You Can’t Care for Your TMJ Pain at Home

Sometimes there is an underlying condition causing the jaw pain that can’t be dealt with at home. One example is an upper cervical misalignment. Such a misalignment can stress the facial muscles and the jaw. The result may be TMJ pain. After the misalignment is corrected, the body can begin to heal, and you may find that TMJ pain resolves naturally.

So if pain persists, come in and see us at the Orlando Spine Center. An upper cervical evaluation will allow us to see if a misalignment could be the underlying cause of your pain.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225


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