TMJ Disorders—What Are They?

TMJ Disorders—What Are They?

Facial Pain, Headache,Headache Relief,Headaches, Jaw Ache,Jaw Pain, Migraine,Migraine Relief,Migraines,TMJ, TMJ ReliefTMJ disorders refer to any condition that affects the way the temporomandibular joint works. This is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull. What are the symptoms of such a disorder? What causes TMJ dysfunction? Is there a natural way to get help for the pain?

The Symptoms of TMJ Disorders

Symptoms may vary depending on the severity of the condition. General symptoms include:

  • Tenderness or pain in the jaw that may radiate to the face and neck
  • Pain or aching near the ear
  • Discomfort when chewing
  • Loss of range of motion in the jaw
  • A grinding or clicking sound when the jaw is opened

Potential TMJ Pain Causes

This pain can be caused by a number of different factors. Consider just a few:

  • Swelling in the joint
  • Damage from an injury
  • Cartilage damage due to arthritis

These are just a few of the ways the problem can occur. So what can you do to get help with TMJ pain if you don’t want to resort to pain relievers?

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and TMJ download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Orlando Spine Center Free TMJ eBook

Upper Cervical Chiropractic and TMJ Pain

Especially if TMJ pain is caused by an injury, there may be a connection between your neck and your jaw problem. If the upper cervical vertebrae become misaligned, it can result in the tightening of muscles in the neck, jaw, and face. Swelling and pain in the jaw may result.

At the Orlando Spine Center, we use the NUCCA method of upper cervical chiropractic to detect and correct such misalignments. Once the neck is back in the proper position, the neck, jaw, and face muscles can relax. This may result in a return to a normal state with less or even no residual pain.

If you are suffering from TMJ, especially if you have experienced a head or neck injury, come and see us for a consultation.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225.

Help for Vertigo Sufferers in Orlando

Vertigo Relief, Dizziness Relief, Dizzy, Meniere’s Relief, Vertigo, Dizziness, Meniere’s , Meniere’s Disease Vertigo is a very common condition especially for those over the age of 40. In fact, in that age group, more than 40% can expect at least one bout where the world seems to start spinning around, and many will face ongoing issues with this disorienting condition. What can help a person to deal with vertigo? Consider the following case study.

37-Year-Old Woman Experiences Vertigo Relief

The woman in the study started experiencing multiple symptoms after falling down stairs. Her symptoms included:

  • Vertigo
  • Neck stiffness
  • Brachioradial Pruritus (BRP)

An examination using the NUCCA technique of upper cervical chiropractic revealed a notable misalignment of the upper cervical spine. NUCCA methods were used to provide a correction for this misalignment. What were the results?

After three months, the patient revealed a 70% reduction in neck pain, no more symptoms of BRP, and complete resolution of vertigo since the very first adjustment.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Orlando Spine Center Free Vertigo eBook

What Can NUCCA Do for You?

If you are experiencing vertigo, especially if it has begun in connection with a recent or past injury to the neck or head, you may be experiencing a misalignment like the woman in the case study noted above. At Orlando Spine Center, we use the same diagnostic and corrective technique mentioned in the study—NUCCA. Care is gentle. There is no popping or twisting of the neck as in general chiropractic.

Your initial visit will include a medical history, physical examination, and x-rays to determine if a misalignment exists. If it does, a specific adjustment to meet your personal needs will be calculated. After the adjustment, you may finally get some relief as the central nervous system is allowed to operate at its best without the interference of a misalignment.


Davis Jr., William R.  “Resolution of Brachioradial Pruritis, Vertigo & Neck Pain Following Introduction of Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care: A Case Study “ Accessed online: 12 June 2016.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225.

Sciatica—Weighting Botox Against a Natural Treatment Option

Lower Back Pain, Lower Back, Back Pain, Back Ache, Pinched Nerve, Numbness, Tingling, Sciatica Pain Relief, Sciatica, injury, back injury, work injurySciatica can be an extremely painful lower back condition which can affect a person’s ability to carry out normal daily activates. Sciatic pain occurs when pressure is placed on the sciatic nerve or any of its nerve roots. This is an extensive nerve that branches down both legs. Thus, while pain is often felt in the lower back, it can also radiate through the backside and down one of the legs. Even the foot can be affected with numbness or tingling.

Botox as a Sciatica Treatment Option

Botox is a shortened form of Botulinum toxin. When this substance is injected into a nerve, it can cause it to be numbed or weakened temporarily. Because of this, Botox has been recommended as a means of dulling sciatic pain. While research shows that this may have temporary benefits, little is known about the side effects since this is an off-label use of the product and extensive testing has never been performed.

It is also a very temporary solution that at best can provide relief for a couple of months before another injection is needed. Again, the effects of long-term use are not known.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and and lower back pain and sciatica download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Orlando Spine Center Free Back Pain eBook

Your Upper Spine and Sciatica

How can sciatica have anything to do with your neck? That’s a good question. It all comes down to posture. A misaligned atlas (C1 vertebra) can result in problems throughout the back. This is because the atlas holds the head in a level position. When the atlas is out of alignment, the whole body compensates to keep the eyes level with the horizon. This is called the righting reflex.

One shoulder may drop followed by the accompanying hip moving out of position. If any of these adjustments to the spine place pressure on the sciatic nerve, the pain can occur in a hip, buttock, and leg even though the initial misalignment was in the upper neck. Correcting the original misalignment can allow the body to heal naturally over time providing lasting relief.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225.

Migraine Symptoms: Neck Pain More Common Than Nausea

Migraines, Headaches, Migraine, Headache, Migraine Relief, Headache Relief, Orlando ChiropractorA study that was performed in 2010 revealed that for the 113 migraine sufferers who participated in the study, neck pain was actually a more common symptom than nausea which has been considered a common migraine symptom for many years.

There was also a survey that asked 144 migraine patients if they experienced neck pain as well, and three-quarters said yes. More than two-thirds said that they felt tightness in their neck. Three in five stated that the neck pain came on before the migraine began. Just under 1 in 5 experienced a stiff neck.

What does this mean for a person who experiences migraines along with neck pain?

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Orlando Spine Center Free Migraine eBook

Why Migraines and Neck Pain Often Present Together

As an upper cervical chiropractor, I don’t really find these studies surprising. What we have noticed at Orlando Spine Center is that migraines are often connected to an upper cervical misalignment. While such a misalignment does not always cause pain, it does explain why so many migraine sufferers also experience tightness in the neck, sometimes even as a precursor to the head pain.

Consider the testimonial of one of our patients who had been experiencing headaches for 15 years. Not only has treatment helped her headaches, but it has improved the mobility of her neck and her ability to walk without a limp.

A Natural Alternative to Medication

Before you take your next painkiller, why not see if upper cervical care can relieve your migraines long-term rather than just covering up the pain until the next attack sneaks up on you. At Orlando Spine Center, we use the NUCCA technique to identify and correct misalignments that could potentially cause migraines. Many patients find that their symptoms and the frequency of migraines are reduced, and some see complete resolution of the problem. We hope to create the same results for you.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225.

Links Between TMJ Disorders & Neck Tension

The (Not So) Surprising Link Between TMJ Disorders & Neck Tension

tmjw01TMJ disorders are a range of conditions that affect the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This joint is responsible for chewing, speaking, and basically everything else you do with your mouth since it connects the jaw to the rest of the head. So why is neck pain a common symptom for those who deal with TMJ disorders? The answer may surprise you.

The fact is that a misalignment in the neck could actually be the underlying cause of TMJ pain. It, therefore, makes sense for the conditions to regularly present together. However, since an upper cervical misalignment does not necessarily result in neck pain, you may still benefit from an adjustment. How can you know if your TMJ pain is being caused by a problem in the neck?

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and TMJ download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Orlando Spine Center Free TMJ eBook

Upper Cervical Chiropractic and TMJ Disorders

The best way is to seek an examination by an upper cervical chiropractor. This involves a detailed patient history. Especially important is any head or neck trauma regardless of how minor or how long ago the accident or injury occurred. Then x-rays can pinpoint a precise location and degree of misalignment, and a customized plan of action can be formulated.
Unlike general chiropractic which involves popping and twisting, the NUCCA technique is extremely gentle. Because of this, benefits are long lasting as adjustments are performed “under the radar” which prevents the body from resisting the realignment. Because of this, the adjustment lasts longer, and the benefits are long-lasting as well. It also means lower cost of care for the patient, less discomfort (if any) following an adjustment, and better accuracy. NUCCA adjustments are extremely accurate because the process is more precise than general chiropractic.

If you suffer from a TMJ disorder, the problem could be a misalignment in your neck that is causing a shift in facial tissue around the joint. Come down to Orlando Spine Center to seek out natural relief.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225.

Lower Back Pain and Upper Cervical Spine Health

Back Pain, Back Ache, Back Pain Relief, Back Ache Relief, Sciatica, Sciatica ReliefWhen you suffer from lower back pain, the last place you may expect it to be coming from is your neck. What are some of the common conditions associated with lower back pain and how can upper cervical chiropractic help? Read on to learn more about lower back problems and their genesis.

Lower Back Pain Conditions 

The following conditions all cause pain in the lower back region:

  • Spinal Arthritis – This generally occurs over a long period of time due to a minor injury. When the spine is misaligned, the discs that protect the vertebrae from rubbing against each other can begin to degenerate.
  • Sciatica – This involves a pinched nerve that runs from the lower back down both legs. Pain generally presents on one side or the other and can be felt in the lower back, buttock, and leg.
  • Herniated Disc – The disc that prevents vertebrae from rubbing may be pushed out through a crack. The result may be pain or numbness in the lower back if this is where the herniated disc is located.

These are just three of the many conditions that can cause pain in the lower back.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and and lower back pain and sciatica download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Orlando Spine Center Free Back Pain eBook

Treating Back Pain in Orlando, Florida 

One thing that most people do not realize is that lower back issues often begin at the top of the spine. This is because the human head weighs about 10-14 pounds. When the upper neck is misaligned, this weight gets distributed unevenly along the spine, and the lower back usually takes the brunt of the problem. As the righting reflex tries to keep the head level, the entire spine shifts. The lower back is often where the greatest strain is and thus the pain.

Because of this, aligning the upper cervical spine is a great way to relieve the strained muscles, reduce your back pain, and let the body get back to healing naturally. At Orlando Spine Center, we focus on the neck to create total body wellness. Set up a consultation to see if an adjustment can help with lower back pain.


To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225.

Vertigo Facts and a Natural Treatment Option in Orlando

vertigow05Vertigo is the sensation that the room is spinning. Many simply use the term dizziness as a blanket term that includes vertigo. Vertigo is a vestibular condition that springs either from dysfunction in the inner ear or in the parts of the central nervous system (CNS) that interpret the body’s signals about its position. When the problem springs from the CNS, this is referred to as central vertigo.

The Most Common Type of Vertigo

The most common type of vertigo is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, sometimes shortened to positional vertigo. Positional vertigo often seems to arise spontaneously. It is considered an idiopathic condition which just means that there is no single cause understood to be at the source of all vertigo cases. Vertigo is often caused by conditions such as an ear infection. Many find that vertigo becomes a problem after head or neck trauma.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Orlando Spine Center Free Vertigo eBook

Positional vertigo means that the spinning is brought on by certain head movements or neck positions. Often a person will experience the vertigo first thing in the morning when sitting up in bed. More severe vertigo attacks may cause a person to fall down. These are referred to as drop attacks.

Natural Treatment for Vertigo

One thing researchers have noted about vertigo is that it is often tied to reduced blood flow to the brain. This can be caused by an atlas (C1 vertebra) misalignment. An atlas misalignment can also put pressure on the brainstem, thus affecting communication in the body. The result can be confused signals about the position of the body in space, thereby causing everything to feel like it is spinning.

When an atlas misalignment is at the heart of a vertigo problem, the condition may improve or resolve once the alignment is corrected. At Orlando Spine Center, we use the NUCCA technique to diagnose and correct upper cervical misalignments.
To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225.

Circulation Problems

SnapseedMy daughter’s hands and feet remained purple and cold since her birth. Pediatricians said she might have poor circulation because she was a c-section baby, and that she would eventually grow out of it. She was having monthly, routine medical doctor visits because she was an infant. Her dad and I spent time each day massaging her hands and feet to get the color back to normal.

After one adjustment from Dr. Nitzsche her feet were warm! She has been holding her adjustment for 4 months now, and her hands and feet are still warm, which has put her dad and me at ease. The doctor makes her feel comfortable and she has never been upset when being checked or adjusted. Unexpectedly, she has been sleeping better and been less irritable.

No More Numbness

arm“I have suffered with numbness in my right arm and leg and have had digestive problems for 10-12 years. The doctors I saw only gave me prescription drugs for my stomach and said the numbness was due to “getting old” and there was not much they could do for me. After 1 1/2 years of treatment, I gave up on the numbness and spent lots of money on drugs for reflux.

Since seeing Dr. Nitzsche, I can eat certain foods with better results. I can type without as much numbness!! I have more flexibility and can drive longer without numbness in my leg. I also have better digestion and feeling in the right side of the body.

The staff was very professional. They were concerned to help and had the willingness to go the extra ‘mile’.”

Immediate Relief

freeladdysmall“For the past three years, I have had noticeable symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome—intense pain on my right side across shoulders, down into my arm with numbness in my ring and small fingers. While driving I had to turn my whole body to look for traffic versus just my head. I tried occupational therapy, consulted an orthopedic surgeon and went to one hour of physical therapy twice a week for 6 months. The physical therapy relieved the pain and increased some motion, but not completely.

My results, after being treated at OSC were immediate relief and the follow-up checkups help keep me at my optimum level.

Now, my range of motion in my neck is normal and the extreme muscle pain and stiffness on my right side is greatly diminished. I can drive, do routine household & daily life activities and unexpectedly, I am sleeping better.

I would definitely recommend Dr. Nitzsche and NUCCA care, particularly for those who have been frustrated by other treatments or other chiropractic techniques. My background is hospital/clinic administration and I was skeptical, but he has made a believer of me.”


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