Bone Broth

Bone Broth

What’s the deal with Bone Broth


So what’s the deal with bone broth?  Well if you’re into “Superfoods” than this should be a staple in your pantry!  It’s as super as it gets.  If chicken stock is Clark Kent, than bone broth is Superman!  Here’s why:  It reduces joint pain and lowers inflammation due to the glucosamine and chondroitin found  in it.  So quit buying those expensive joint supplements and drink some bone broth!   It also promotes strong healthy bones.  With plenty of easily absorbed calcium and magnesium, you can ditch the calcium supplements too!  And thanks to the gelatin found in bone broths, gut disorders benefit too.  Constipation, diarrhea, leaky gut, food sensitivities may all improve as a result of the healing potential of gelatin in your intestines. Gelatin simply aids in proper digestion. In case you’re more concerned with how you look on the outside instead of the inside, gelatin promotes healthy hair and nail growth too!  So if you want to look good- make some bone broth!  And you already know chicken soup is good for fighting infections such as the common cold.  Well, imagine the healing potential of homemade chicken soup with bone broth at it’s core!  Have you seen all those expensive detoxification products on the shelf of the health food store?  Well, next time you see them just keep on walking because bone broth detoxifies too!  Thanks to the abundance of an amino acid called glycine, bone broth actually detoxifies the liver too!  So, there you have it!  That’s the deal with bone broth.


(Ingredients listed are general guidelines.  Don’t stress over actual measurements and amounts.  It’s not rocket science!)

1 chicken carcass (chicken feet and chicken necks are great to add too)
1 or 2 celery stalks
1 or 2 carrots
1 onion
1 bay leaf
2-3 garlic cloves
1 or 2 stems of parsley (optional)
10-15 whole black peppercorns
coarse sea salt to taste
1/8 cup apple cider vinegar (use a real, unfiltered apple cider vinegar such as “Bragg’s”)


1)  Place all ingredients in stock pot and cover with cold water.
2)  Let sit for 30-45 minutes
3)  Bring to very low simmer for 24+ hours.**  Make sure water level doesn’t drop below ingredients.
4)  Strain

**  If you are uncomfortable simmering on a stove for that long you have other options.  1) use a crock pot/slow cooker on the low setting or 2) put the stock pot in the an oven set at 200° with the lid slightly ajar

Is Salt Bad?

Is Salt Really All That Bad?

saltWhy do we keep trying to reduce our salt intake?  Medical literature has linked reduced salt intake to insulin resistance (diabetes), metabolic syndrome, increased cardiovascular mortality and readmissions, cognition loss in neonates and older adults, unsteadiness, falls, fractures, and lifelong avidity for salt.  But high salt intake is linked to hypertension you say!  Consider this – the standard hospital saline IV drip, which supplies an average of three liters of 0.9 percent sodium chloride per day. This is equivalent to twenty-seven grams of salt (4.5 teaspoons) per day while in the hospital in addition to the six grams (one teaspoon) of salt taken in food (if the Guidelines are followed). That is a total of thirty-three grams of salt per day or more than five times the Dietary Guideline recommendations! Yet patients’ blood pressure is checked every four to six hours and does not change. Where is the purported relationship of salt intake to blood pressure?

But don’t read this wrong.  W’e’re not advocating hitting all the high sodium, processed food items!  Don’t empty your salt shaker on your next dinner!  Refined processed table salt should still be avoided!  What needs to be ADDED to your diet is COARSE, UNREFINED, SEA SALT.  Toss the shaker and get a salt grinder!  Sea salt is loaded with trace minerals along with the salt.  Sea salt can boost your immune system. Sea salt can help REDUCE cholesterol levels, maintain proper sugar levels in the body, prevent osteoporosis, stop muscle spasms and cramps, and even aid in proper digestion!

So, please, rethink your salt consumption.  Add some flavor and enjoy your food again!  It’s good for you!

The (Not So) Surprising Link Between TMJ Disorders & Neck Tension

Facial Pain, Headache, Headache Relief, Headaches, Jaw Ache, Jaw Pain, Migraine, Migraine Relief, Migraines, Orlando Chiropractor, TMJ, TMJ ReliefTMJ disorders are a range of conditions that affect the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).  This joint is responsible for chewing, speaking, and basically everything else you do with your mouth since it connects the jaw to the rest of the head. So why is neck pain a common symptom for those who deal with TMJ disorders? The answer may surprise you.

The fact is that a misalignment in the neck could actually be the underlying cause of TMJ pain. It, therefore, makes sense for the conditions to regularly present together. However, since an upper cervical misalignment does not necessarily result in neck pain, you may still benefit from an adjustment. How can you know if your TMJ pain is being caused by a problem in the neck?

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and TMJ download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

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Upper Cervical Chiropractic and TMJ Disorders  

The best way is to seek an examination by an upper cervical chiropractor. This involves a detailed patient history. Especially important is any head or neck trauma regardless of how minor or how long ago the accident or injury occurred. Then x-rays can pinpoint a precise location and degree of misalignment, and a customized plan of action can be formulated.

Unlike general chiropractic which involves popping and twisting, the NUCCA technique is extremely gentle. Because of this, benefits are long lasting as adjustments are performed “under the radar” which prevents the body from resisting the realignment.  Because of this, the adjustment lasts longer, and the benefits are long-lasting as well. It also means lower cost of care for the patient, less discomfort (if any) following an adjustment, and better accuracy. NUCCA adjustments are extremely accurate because the process is more precise than general chiropractic.

If you suffer from a TMJ disorder, the problem could be a misalignment in your neck that is causing a shift in facial tissue around the joint. Come down to Orlando Spine Center to seek out natural relief.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225


Upper Cervical Care Provides Migraine Sufferers with Natural Relief

Migraine, Migraines, Headaches, Headaches, Head Pain, Migraine Headaches, Migraine Relief, Headache ReliefMigraines are all too common in today’s fast-paced world. Who has time to stop and care for a migraine, whether it lasts a few hours or potentially even a few days? About 37 million Americans suffer from migraines, with up to 3 million having chronic migraines (a migraine more than 15 times in a month). What are the symptoms of a migraine?

  • Intense throbbing or pulsating feeling, usually on one side of the head
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, and smell

So, what causes migraines? For some, food can be a trigger. Keeping track of the foods eaten before an attack and avoiding them in the future can help mitigate migraines. What are some specific foods that are common triggers?

    • MSG: Usually found in Chinese food or processed foods.
    • Aspartame: This is an artificial sweetener contained in many sugar-free products.
    • Caffeine:  This can be found in soda or coffee. Too much can cause migraines while just a small amount may actually help during an attack.
    • Aged cheeses: These contain a compound called tyramines that interact with neurotransmitters in the body.
    • Legumes: Peas, lentils, and beans
    • Cured or processed meats: Hot dogs, sandwich meat, and sausages contain sodium nitrate which changes chemicals in the brain.
    • Alcohol: Red wine, in particular
    • Chocolate
    • Citrus fruits
    • Nuts

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Orlando Spine Center Free Migraine eBook



Someone may wonder if it is really necessary to remove all of these foods to avoid migraines. Be assured, there is another option.

Migraines and Upper Cervical Care

We have found that many migraines are due to injuries in the upper neck area. It could have been recent damage or that from many years ago. If a misalignment is in this area, it hinders blood and cerebrospinal fluid flow to and from the brain and body. It can also irritate and inflame nerves. This is the perfect condition for a migraine to occur.

By correcting the misalignment through a gentle, effective method, many patients have reported seeing a significant decrease in symptoms. Some have their headaches go away entirely.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225.

TMJ Disorders—Natural Relief Methods

Facial Pain, Headache,Headache Relief,Headaches, Jaw Ache,Jaw Pain, Migraine,Migraine Relief,Migraines,TMJ, TMJ ReliefTMJ disorders refer to a series of conditions that involve pain in the jaw (temporomandibular joint). For the most part, TMJ conditions resolve within a few weeks. However, when TMJ problems persist, there are still ways to seek natural relief. We’re going to start with a few things that you can do at home to ease your pain and then present you with a natural medical treatment option.

TMJ Disorder Self Care

Here are a few things you can try at home to relieve TMJ problems:

  • Ice – Sometimes you just need to relieve some swelling to take care of the pain. Ice is the best way to deal with inflammation. Just be sure never to place an ice pack directly on the skin. Wrap it in a cloth and only apply for 15 minutes at a time to avoid frostbite.
  • Diet – Try eating softer foods for a few days to give your jaw a break. Trade a bagel and cream cheese breakfast in for an omelet, and order the fish instead of the steak at dinner. This can give your jaw a chance to heal.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and TMJ download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Orlando Spine Center Free TMJ eBook

  • Stretches – Perform stretches that can help to give your jaw greater mobility.
  • De-stress – The jaw tenses during times of stress. Using Baoding balls, listening to some classical music, or relaxing in a peaceful setting may be all you need.

When You Can’t Care for Your TMJ Pain at Home

Sometimes there is an underlying condition causing the jaw pain that can’t be dealt with at home. One example is an upper cervical misalignment. Such a misalignment can stress the facial muscles and the jaw. The result may be TMJ pain. After the misalignment is corrected, the body can begin to heal, and you may find that TMJ pain resolves naturally.

So if pain persists, come in and see us at the Orlando Spine Center. An upper cervical evaluation will allow us to see if a misalignment could be the underlying cause of your pain.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225


Lower Back Pain Responds Better to Natural Care than Opioids

Lower Back Pain, Back Pain, Back Ache, Pinched Nerve, Numbness, Tingling, Sciatica Pain Relief, SciaticaLower back pain care often involves a prescription for powerful pain medicines like oxycodone and other opioids. However, a recent study revealed that there is no long-term benefit to using these drugs to deal with the pain. More than 7,000 people were a part of the clinical trial, and while pain medicine did seem to provide the short-term benefit of less pain, there was no evidence to support long-term benefits.

Since low back pain is the world’s number one cause of disability, this is a telling study. The primary care option that most doctors present only covers the symptoms on a temporary basis and does nothing to help the pain get better or go away. What natural methods exist that can provide benefit for a person suffering from low back problems.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and and lower back pain and sciatica download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Orlando Spine Center Free Back Pain eBook

Natural Help for Lower Back Pain

Here are a few things that you can do to try and reduce your back pain or prevent it if you have a healthy back right now.

  • Maintain good posture – Poor posture can lead to misalignments, pinched nerves, disc problems, and other causes of low back pain. This means having proper posture when standing (stand up straight without leaning the head forward), sitting (keep the knees and hips level and your feet flat on the ground or a footstool), and sleeping (sleep on the back or on the side with a pillow between your knees).
  • Strengthen your core – Hip, abdominal, and lower back muscles work together to help you turn and lift without hurting your back.
  • Upper cervical chiropractic – A properly aligned neck is vital to correct posture and can help with low back pain.

How does neck alignment affect the lower back? When the neck is misaligned, and the head is off balance, the righting reflex goes into effect to keep the eyes level with the horizon. This can throw the entire back out of alignment. The pain will occur wherever the most strain is. So that low back pain may be springing from an upper neck misalignment.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225.

Relief for the Pain of Migraines

Migraine, Migraines, Headache, Headaches, Head Pain, Migraine Headaches, Migraine Relief, Headache ReliefMigraines are debilitating and affect not only a person’s health but finances as well. Recently, a study revealed that migraines have a more negative effect on a person than other serious health conditions such as osteoarthritis and diabetes. A little over half of all migraine sufferers are 50% less productive at school and at work.

What are the symptoms of a migraine?

  • Aura (in some cases) – aura can develop gradually over a 5 to 20-minute period and usually only last about 60 minutes
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sensitivity to light, sound, and certain odors
  • Blurry vision
  • Fatigue
  • Neck pain and stiffness

Why Do Migraines Happen?

Unfortunately, this question has not yet been answered. The exact cause remains a mystery. However, it is known that they are in the neurological or vascular health categories. When blood flow is decreased to the brain and pressure on blood vessels is increased, this creates the perfect environment for a migraine to occur. Neck pain is present in 75% of migraine sufferers, and many of these seek out chiropractic care to find some relief.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Orlando Spine Center Free Migraine eBook

Upper cervical chiropractors, in particular, see much success in helping their migraine patients find some relief. This is due to the fact that our focus lies on the upper neck vertebrae. If a misalignment is found in either the C1 (atlas) or C2 (axis) vertebra, it may be compromising blood flow to and from the brain and body. Nerve function can also be hindered. If the brainstem is under pressure from the misalignment, the brain may not be communicating properly with the body. All of this can cause a migraine.

By using a gentle adjustment that allows the body to begin healing itself, patients receive help in finding relief for their migraine symptoms. Clinical studies have also shown that migraine sufferers have found relief in as little as one or two adjustments from an upper cervical chiropractor.


  • Souza TA, Headache. In editor. Differential diagnosis and management for the chiropractor: Protocols and algorithms. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, LLC; 2009. pp.513-521

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225.

Sciatica—One of the Most Common Lower Back Ailments

Lower Back Pain, Lower Back, Back Pain, Back Ache, Pinched Nerve, Numbness, Tingling, Sciatica Pain Relief, Sciatica, injury, back injury, work injurySciatica is one of the most frequent causes of lower back pain. In fact, it is believed that as much as 40% of people will experience sciatica at some time in life. The odds of experiencing sciatica increase the older you get. Obesity, smoking, and a sedentary lifestyle all increase the risk of having to deal with sciatic pain. How can you cope with this chronic health issue?

Common Options for Sciatica Sufferers

Most doctors will encourage a person to take an over-the-counter NSAID. This temporarily relieves both pain and swelling. However, it is important to note that ice can do much to reduce pain and swelling as well—and without side effects. If you feel sciatica coming on, you will want to ice the area for 15-20 minutes. You can repeat this several times per day. It may keep you from having to reach for the pill bottle.

While most cases of sciatica go away within several hours or days, persistent sciatic pain may move a patient to try more dramatic methods. For example, steroid injections or even surgery may eventually be recommended by a physician.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and and lower back pain and sciatica download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Orlando Spine Center Free Back Pain eBook

Is there a way for you to get help with chronic sciatic pain that is not so invasive?

Healthy Neck, Healthy Back

Good posture and a properly aligned spine start in the neck. If even a slight misalignment occurs in the C1 vertebra, the muscles of the back have to work to keep the head upright and the eyes level with the horizon. This is called the righting reflex. As a result, in order for the spine to be in alignment, the upper neck must be in place first.

When an upper neck misalignment causes changes in posture down the spine, the result can be pressure on the sciatic nerve and pain in the lower back and legs. Therefore, the upper neck is a good place to look for the underlying problem that is causing sciatica to recur.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225.

Vertigo and the Proper Alignment of Your Neck

Vertigo Relief, Dizziness Relief, Dizzy, Meniere’s Relief, Vertigo, Dizziness, Meniere’s , Meniere’s Disease Vertigo is a feeling that the world is spinning around you and can result in nausea and vomiting. While a spell may not last very long, at the wrong time—while driving a car or climbing a ladder, as examples—the results can be very dangerous. Vertigo is often connected with the alignment of the neck. In fact, cervical vertigo is the term for dizziness that is caused by turning the head.

Cervical Vertigo Symptoms and Diagnosis

Diagnosing cervical vertigo can often be frustrating because there is really only one primary symptom—vertigo that is caused by moving the neck. A general practitioner will, therefore, see the need to rule out many other conditions that cause vertigo by means of extensive (and expensive) tests and procedures. This stretches out the amount of time that a patient suffers.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and vertigo download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Orlando Spine Center Free Vertigo eBook

Natural Treatment in Orlando, FL

However, at our practice in Orlando, Florida, we use specific x-rays of the upper cervical area to look for the type of misalignment that can cause vertigo. Then very gentle adjustments are administered to correct the misalignment. Following a correction, we encourage patients to rest in our office for 10-15 minutes. This allows the adjustment to set properly and last longer.

The results for you are the need for fewer adjustments and ultimately less cost than seeing a general chiropractor. Plus, there is no popping or cracking which means less chance of soreness after a visit. Adjusting the upper spine can often relieve pressure that causes vertigo and many other symptoms that you may never have connected to a neck injury.

For this reason, we encourage anyone who suffers from vertigo to come and see us at the Orlando Spine Center. Find out just what the NUCCA technique can mean for you and your overall health and wellness.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225.

New Research on Migraines Gives Hope to Those Suffering

Migraine, Migraines, Headache, Headaches, Head Pain, Migraine Headaches, Migraine Relief, Headache Relief, Tension Headache, Tension Headaches, Migraine Headaches, Migraine Headaches ReliefSometimes, when it comes to treating conditions such as migraines, the answers that the medical community provide are not always the answers a person is looking for. Their methods tend to focus on treating the symptoms of migraines with pain medication, as has been done for many years. Often, this approach is not effective because each person and each migraine is different.

In 2013, a medical symposium was organized to focus on craniocervical syndrome and how this affects the neck and cerebrospinal fluid flow. This syndrome is caused by a misalignment in the upper neck vertebrae that hinders spinal fluid from going to and leaving the brain. The medical experts at this symposium discussed the impact this has on 1.2 million patients in the USA. Many of these people have been inaccurately diagnosed or have had no successful treatment, and so they continue to suffer.

To learn more about the connection between head and neck injuries and migraines download our complimentary e-book by clicking the image below.

Orlando Spine Center Free Migraine eBook

Upper Cervical Care and Migraines

For about 80 years, the chiropractic community has been treating its migraine patients for atlas subluxation (misalignment) complex syndrome. This is basically the same thing as craniocervical syndrome. This condition can clearly affect a person’s health overall and quality of life.

Rather than trying to cover over individual symptoms, upper cervical chiropractic focuses on treating the whole person. It starts by examining the neck for any misalignments that may be present in the C1 or C2 vertebra. A misalignment as small as ¼ of a millimeter can be enough to wreak havoc on the whole body, including such ailments as migraines.

At Orlando Spine Center, we use a gentle procedure to correct this problem and allow the natural processes within the body to begin to heal the damage that has been done. This also helps keep the bones in alignment for longer periods of time. Many patients see relief of migraines in as little as one or two visits. Some report never having migraines again.

To schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nitzsche call our Orlando office at 407-578-2225.

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