Stronger Immune System and Less Missed School Days!

Stronger Immune System and Less Missed School Days!

Allergies“I have suffered from a weakened immune system since I was 12 years old (about 6 years) and have been extremely susceptible to illnesses. I have seen two pulmonologists, two infectious disease doctors, two allergy specialists, been on numerous medications including steroid inhalants, and had nasal surgery when I was 15 years old. None of these had lasting effects. Also, I’ve had IV treatments for my immune system once every month for a year now. I’ve missed about 200 days of school in the past 4 years and we’ve spent thousands of dollars on treatments.

Since being under care, I am now only having one treatment once every three months—I’m not a pin cushion anymore and it feels great!!! I can exercise freely and do the things that a teenager should be able to do—things I wasn’t able to do before NUCCA treatment. Surprisingly, I’m not as tired as I used to be either.

The care I received at the Orlando Spine Center was very personalized. They have helped e to lead the healthy, normal life that I’ve always wanted.”

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